Duke of Devonshire signs MND charter campaign

October 2013

Members of SITraN and the SMND RAG visited Chatsworth House in Derbyshire yesterday for an appointment with the Duke of Devonshire to discuss the MND charter and gain his signature to this campaign.

Duke of DevonshireThe Duke said ” I am delighted to support this wonderful and highly important campaign’. The charter has been put together by the Motor Neurone Disease Association and has been signed by over 10,000 people.

The charter sets out five key principles and priorities which will ensure patients with motor neurone disease are treated with respect and dignity. These are: the right to early diagnosis and information, the right to high quality care and treatment, the right to be treated with dignity and respect, the right to maximising the quality of life and support for carers.

Read a copy of the charter. If you are interested in getting involved in any motor neurone disease research projects run by Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust please contact Lee Tuddenham l.tuddenham@sheffield.ac.uk.